新冠疫情个人防控预防措施,英语作文? —— 写作思路:确立中心,围绕选材,确定重点,安排详略,选材时要注意紧紧围绕文章的中心思想,选择真实可信、新鲜有趣的材料,以使文章中心思想鲜明、深刻地表现出来,具体如下:2020 is a new beginning, but just at the tim
疫情期间,在校园里怎样防护英语作文70词? —— 如下:Firstly,when we are in school,we should take good care of ourselves and we are expected to care about others to make sure everyone is healthy.Secondly,we should wear the masks and wash our hands freq
写一篇关于防疫情的英语作文50词 —— Spring is warm and sunny enough,everywhere blooms,a thriving scene.However,a disease is prone to every spring and infect season."Don't blow cold YangLiuFeng" season,occasionally,have a headache,fatigue,fever.H
请用英语些一篇60~80字的短文,谈谈如何预防疾病,保持健康 —— It's of great importance to protect yourself from illnesses. In order to keep healthy, you can first exercise every day to make your body strong enough. Also, a balanced diet is also beneficial, you can
怎样预防流感英语作文70字带翻译 —— 因此也能帮人们远离流感。PS用的词都比较简单,你要再简单一点的话可以把长句子改成简单句。希望能帮到你! 来自 跪求初二上的英语作文《如何预防流感》
关于疫情的英语作文60字带翻译 —— 疫情的英语作文 这几天我非常难过,因为本来我们是要去广州旅游的,就是因为武汉爆发的这个新型冠状病毒,害的我们不能去玩了。I'm very sad these days, because we were going to travel to Guangzhou. Because of
如何预防流行疾病的英语作文不少与120字 —— 2. Second, avoid sharing towels, utensils, and wash water. Tableware used as boiling water disinfection 3 .Third, garbage and feces as far as possible away from the hedge, the same time not to dispose of
关于疫情的英语作文_防范疫情的高中英语作文4篇(2) —— 84岁的钟南山院士,临危受命,不顾耄耋之年义无反顾的奔赴防疫最前线。新闻图片里,钟老坐在去武汉的动车上,疲惫的靠着座椅睡着了,他嘱咐广大市民最近不要去武汉,自己却依然踏上武汉的火车,奔赴最前线,替我们负重前行。29岁的医生吴晓艳
英语作文关于疫情50字? —— more than 50 medical teams and more than 6000 medical workers rush to Wuhan 疫情无情人有情,隔离病毒隔离不了爱,在中国传统最重要的节日一一春节,人们顾不得团圆,抛妻别母,弃子离家,冒着生命危险,五十多支医
关于预防甲型流感的英语作文怎么写啊 要80字的 —— 先写中文的,然后在谷歌的在线翻译里面翻译成英文的。
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