他刚刚被老师赶出教室,翻译成英语 —— He has just been driven out of / from the classroom.
数学老师让我们离开教室.翻译成英文用,要有(get out) —— The math teacher had us get out of the classroom.
学生和老师快速跑出教室用英语怎么翻译 —— There is a teacher and ten students in the classroom. 注意:这里用is而不是用are,因为英语中有个就近原则,a teacher 在前面,所以用is。
教室的英文翻译是什么意思 —— 教室的英文翻译解释 1. classroom:我们的教室(class room)是Mrs,Finkle老师的房间,让我告诉您我们的教室(class room)是什么样子的,在西边是我们老师的桌子(table),在东边是我们的地毯(carpet)还有我们的.黑板( board)
英文翻译!“你可以不来上课,但你没权力赶我出教室” “有种就一直不要 —— 你可以不来上课,但你没权力赶我出教室。You don't have to attend the lessons but you have no right to send me out of the classroom!有种就一直不要来上课!Stay away from our class if you've got balls!
求帮忙翻译成英语: 今天被老师罚站到教室后面了,好郁闷。不过还好今天 —— Today, the teacher is standing behind the classroom, good depressed. But it is good today's dictation clearance, and hope that tomorrow will be better, come on
当老师走进教室的时候我感到很紧张用英文怎么说 —— When the teacher came into the classroom yesterday moning . we were having a west , someone was listening to music , someone was doing the homework , someone was talking ,I was piaying chess with Tom .We
你一定要在老师叫你之前离开教室。英语翻译。 —— 应该翻译成:You must leave the classroom before the teacher calls you.希望我的回答对您有帮助,祝好!祝您学习进步!如果不懂建议重新提问,也可以直接追问哦。
英文翻译。 —— 考试结束,大家都交完卷离开了,老师却叫我留下来.教室里只剩我和老师两个人的时候,老师开始给我讲成长的道理.她说,我们要自力更生,要为自己的行为负责.她讲了一大通后,她还说了有关诚实的事,还举例说有些人做了不
英文翻译 —— (我自己翻译的,没用软件和机器,你看看吧:)在教室中礼仪礼貌也和在其他地方一样重要.西方文化中的礼仪礼貌仅与中国的优良的传统礼仪礼貌稍有区别.向老师问好.如果你在一个很大的班级上课,当老师进教室的时候你不必同老师打
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